Inclusive Education Initiative

Breaking Barriers Through Equal Education

At LNLVIP, we believe education is the cornerstone for eliminating poverty and social exclusion for visually impaired persons. Our commitment to inclusive education ensures that visually impaired learners receive quality education on equal terms with their sighted peers.

Our Impact

Through our partnership with the Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted, we’re implementing a groundbreaking inclusive education project designed to:

  • Increase enrollment of visually impaired students in targeted schools
  • Train and equip teachers with specialized skills for inclusive classrooms
  • Establish 5 primary schools and 3 pre-schools as model institutions for inclusive education
  • Ensure full participation of visually impaired learners in sports and recreational activities

Our Approach

We’re transforming education through comprehensive teacher training programs that focus on creating equitable learning environments in both primary and secondary schools. Our model schools demonstrate how thoughtful inclusion benefits all students while providing visually impaired learners with the tools they need to succeed.

Join Our Vision

Together, we’re building a more inclusive educational system where visual impairment is never a barrier to learning, growth, and full participation in society.